I Have a SMARTBoard! Now What???

What an educational resource a SMARTBoard, or interactive whiteboard, can be for the classroom!  But, if you are using this as a projector only, you are missing MAJOR learning opportunities for your students.  Yes, the SMARTBoard is an excellent projection tool, but it is also a way to allow your students hands-on opportunities to work with, manipulate, and create to deepen their understanding of content in the classroom.  This resource has so many opportunities for whole group, small group rotations, and individualized learning.  This post will share a few tutorials, and classroom applications that will not only help engage students, but promote 21st century learning in the classroom.

One very easy application of the SMARTBoard is its use as a notetaker.  I especially liked this use because I could save the important notes shared and written with students who may have been absent during the class period.  By printing the notes, the students could add them to their notebooks, and have access to content/discussions missed during class.  This also provided opportunities for interactive, shared writing by students.  Whether primary or secondary classes, the note-taking capability allows  all students to have a voice and participate in the sharing of content.

Sorting and grouping activities also become a breeze with the SMARTBoard.  These activities help promote higher level thinking in an engaging manner.  Below is a short tutorial on how to set up a BASIC sorting/grouping activity.



SMART Notebook also has many manipulatives, images, and templates, located in their Gallery, to help teachers create meaningful learning activities.  Interactive learning tools, such as rulers, geometric shapes, compasses, protractors, geographic maps, and other images/resources are available for teacher use. The possibilities are endless in providing opportunities for meaningful learning!!

One resource that cannot be ignored is the online SMART Exchange.  Here is a compilation of interactive activities created for SMARTBoard use.  You will find lessons created and submitted by educators from around the world.  SMART Exchange provides many activities, grades Pre-K through 12th , in every content area.  There is even a search option by content and learning objectives.  SMART Notebook also has an activity builder that assists you in building learning activities to practice content.  Simply choose the activity, plug in your information, and you are ready to go! Why recreate the wheel?


Here are a few other suggested uses.  Please let me know how I can support you in your use of the SMARTBoard to optimize classroom learning, student engagement, and higher order thinking skills!

  • Class/Group Brainstorming
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Game-Based Learning (to reinforce classroom learning)
  • Sharing media whole class (videos, images, presentations, etc)
  • Online simulations
  • Everyday Math Online Resources
  • Sharing of iPAD apps via Airplay or Doceri
  • Interactive flannel board (primary students)
  • Start of Day routines
  • Classroom Management (ex. Class Dojo)
  • Manipulations of math tools
  • Virtual dissections
  • Record your lessons using SMARTBoard tool Recorder

Do you have suggestions on SMARTBoard uses you would like to share?  Please leave a comment below:)





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